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Pupils at Montague Public School plant 600 flower bulbs in their school garden.
Students planting bulbs as part of their Eco Team project

Pupils from the Eco Team, in association with the Ontario EcoSchools Program, at Montague Public School in Smiths Falls planted flower bulbs in their school garden. With help from Kathleen Lang and Steve Svarckopf, our master gardeners from the Smith Falls Horticultural Society the gardens and bushes at the front of the school have been given a thorough cleansing to support the planting of the 600 bulbs.

These flower bulbs were given to them by Bulbs4Kids, a program that is allowing the team to become familiar with flower bulbs and the world of nature in way that is also a lot of fun. When the tulips, crocuses, daffodils and grape hyacinths start blooming early in the spring, this school garden will be bursting with colour.

The Eco Team from Montague, signed up last summer to receive a flower bulb kit. This class is one of 150 classes in Canada, 400 classes in the Netherlands, 1050 classes in Germany and 850 classes in England that will be participating in the Bulbs4Kids project. Since each kit contains 600 flower bulbs, almost 1.5 million flower bulbs will be planted in school gardens.

More and more studies are confirming the beneficial effects that the natural world has on our health. Playing in a natural environment and having hands-on experiences with plants contributes to the healthy balanced development of children. It makes children smarter, fitter and more creative. This is why Bulbs4Kids decided to offer 150 free Bulbs4Kids kits to Canadian elementary schools; together with the Eco Team, a Bulbs4Kids kit helps these children discover flower bulbs.
This program was initiated by iBulb and involves making 2,450 flower bulb kits available to Canadian, Dutch, German and English elementary schools. iBulb is an organization that promotes the interests of the flower bulb sector. By means of global PR and advertising campaigns, iBulb is also committed to stimulating the international use of flower bulbs, bulb cut flowers and bulbs in pots.

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